Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Geomatics

We are extremely happy to publish Volume 18, Issue 1 of Journal of Geomatics. In this issue, we are presenting some of the interesting scientific research and developments in the area of Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics. As editors, we feel great satisfaction and pride in presenting current issue of JOG to our readers.
The various advancements in geospatial science and technology are presented herewith wide range of research articles addressing the advancements in technology to its applications in various thematic domains. It is truly motivating to see the diverse and innovative research articles published in this issue of Journal of Geomatics. The editorial team is thankful to our authors for considering Journal of Geomatics for publication of their interesting studies in the area of Geomatics.
The first study on " Mapping and Prioritizing Flash-Flood Susceptible Watersheds in the Warana Basin, India: A Morphometric Analysis and Total Ranking Approach for Resilience Planning " demonstrates the quantitative morphometric analysis for Flash-Flood Susceptibility in a river basin. The study presents the approaches to implement appropriate measures for reducing losses caused by flash floods and the development of prevention, protection, and mitigation plans.
The second article, " Geomatics Application for Assessment of Groundwater Prospective Zones – A case study of Kanchi River Sub Basin, Khunti- Ranchi districts, Jharkhand. " highlights the integration and feasibility of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques in hydrogeological studies, particularly in delineation of groundwater prospective zones.
" Fog characteristics study over the IGI Airport, New Delhi during the winter seasons 2010-2022" presents a study conducted at Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi analyzed fog patterns from 2010 to 2022 using METAR data. Results show increasing fog frequency and duration from November to January, with February experiencing a decrease, yet remaining higher than November.
The article on " Prioritization of Watershed for GWPZ Through Remote Sensing, GIS and Integrated Weighted Sum Approach: A Case Study of Dhodana River Basin, Central India " present the use of geospatial technology for periodization of watersheds.
" Fuzzy machine learning based algorithms for mapping chickpea agricultural crop fields using sentinel-2 satellite data " is an interesting study to examine the NC and PCM classifiers, which classified and mapped the agricultural fields using two distinct techniques for selecting training samples.
The article "Agroforestry Site Suitability for Wasteland Greening - A case study of selected districts of various agroclimatic zones " demonstrate the GIS based methodology to identify suitable sites for agroforestry in different agroclimatic zones of India. In this study, the Agroforestry Suitability Index (ASI) was derived to classify the study area in five major priority zones for Agroforestry.
The study on " Morphometric analysis of Bembla sub-basin in Maharashtra using Remote Sensing and GIS based techniques " is an attempt to demonstrate the use of Remote Sensing and GIS based techniques in analysis and management of water resources with specific focus on Morphometric analysis.
The article” A Aberrant variations in land, oceanic, and atmospheric parameters precedent to earthquakes ” highlights the significance of land, ocean, and atmosphere respond to earthquake activity by using geospatial technology.
The article on " Land Use/Land Cover Change along the Coastline of La Union, Philippines " is a study which aims to employ Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) in assessing the Land Use/ Land Cover Change (LULCC) data of the coastal municipalities of La Union in Philippines.
" Identification of Groundwater Prospecting Zones in Hard Rock Terrain Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Pora River Sub Basin, Central India " demonstrate the use of geospatial technology for groundwater prospecting zones (GPZ) with hydrogeological parameters.
The study on " Seismic Risk Assessment of Built Environment in the Himalayan Foothill City of Dehradun, Uttarakhand" highlights the application of high resolution Remote Sensing datasets in assessment of seismic risks vulnerability in different building structures of an urban settlement.
The article on “Identification of Forest Fire Affected Area and Burn Severity Analysis in Bankati Forest Block of Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh Using Geospatial Techniques” demonstrate the application of Remote Sensing for mapping and burn area assessment of a forest fire affected area.
“Modelling wildfire risk using GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Aberdare Afromontane forest ranges, Kenya” highlight the use spatial modelling for identifications wild fire risk areas using environmental and anthropogenic factors.
Lastly, the article on " Investigation of Morphometric and Flood Vulnerability of the Devganga River in Satpura Mountain Ranges Using Remote Sensing Techniques" investigate the hydro-geomorphic characteristics of the Devganga basin in the Northern Satpura Mountains.
The Journal of Geomatics takes pride in presenting these articles showcasing the diverse applications of geospatial technology and its crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge and fostering data-driven investigations. We express our gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and readers for their valuable contributions to this vibrant research domain. The rigorous peer-review process guarantees that the content published in the Journal of Geomatics maintains the highest standards of quality, and we sincerely thank the reviewers for their dedication and expertise in upholding the integrity of the journal.
We look forward to our readers for their feedback, ideas, and future contributions that will shape the ongoing narrative of Journal of Geomatics for promoting geospatial science & technologies its applications.
Editorial Team
Journal of Geomatics