Geomatics Application for Assessment of Groundwater Prospective Zones – A case study of Kanchi River Sub Basin, Khunti- Ranchi districts, Jharkhand.


  • Mable Martha Toppo Ms
  • Jayant Sinha Dr



Remote Sensing, GIS, Weighted Index


Geomatic tools have emerged effectively in the identification and delineation of drainage character and groundwater potential zone. The present investigation highlights the integration and feasibility of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques in hydrogeological studies, particularly in delineation of groundwater prospective zones in Kanchi River Sub Basin, Khunti- Ranchi, district, Jharkhand. Integrating various hydrogeological parameters such as lithology, drainage, soil, lineament, slope and other related features can be fruitful in assessing the groundwater prospective of large area.

Geologically the study area is dominated by Precambrian lithounits such as granite gneisses, schists and quartzites showing multiple phase deformation and magmatism. In present study, seven major geotechnical elements were selected such as Lineaments, soil, geomorphology, lithology, drainage, slope and LULC. The thematic maps were prepared by Visual Image Interpretation techniques and were integrated in GIS environment. The sources for these data were existing thematic maps, satellite images-IRS-P6, LISS-III 17th January, 2021, LANDSAT 8 and topographic maps of Survey of India (SOI) in 1:50,000 scale. Five Potential zones have been demarcated using AHP weighted linear combination of the various thematic layers. The hydrogeological parameter index of the present area indicates that regions having high lineament density within dissected hills and valleys are the most promising site for groundwater occurrence. The study categorically concludes that about 50% of the area has moderate to high groundwater potential. The result obtained is in conformity with the existing dug and bore well data. The present study highlights the importance and usefulness of weighted index as a model for identification of potential groundwater zones in similar hydrogeological conditions.

Keywords: Kanchi, Remote Sensing,GIS, Groundwater Prospective Zones, Weighted Index.


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How to Cite

Toppo, M. M., & Sinha, J. (2024). Geomatics Application for Assessment of Groundwater Prospective Zones – A case study of Kanchi River Sub Basin, Khunti- Ranchi districts, Jharkhand. Journal of Geomatics, 18(1), 12–20.