Morphometric analysis of Hirehalla Sub-basin of Malaprabha River, Northern Karnataka using geoinformatics techniques
Hirehalla Sub-basin, Morphometric analysis, Drainage density, Bifurcation ratio, RS & GIS, KarnatakaAbstract
In the present study, basin morphometry of Hirehalla Sub-basin of Bagalkote District, Karnataka was carried out using remote sensing and geoinformatics techniques. Delineation and calculation of various morphometric parameters of the sub-basin was done in GIS environment. The study was categorized into– Linear, Aerial and Relief aspects. Result obtained from morphometric analysis confirms the highest order of fifth and showing sub-dendritic to dendritic drainage pattern. Values of shape parameters- form factor (0.16), elongation ratio (0.45) and circulatory ratio (0.38), suggests the sub-basin to be elongated in shape. Average bifurcation ratio value (Rb=3.34), indicates the influence of geomorphic features on the basin. From the values of Stream frequency (1.36) and drainage density (1.27) it indicates, permeable subsurface and low relief. Drainage texture value (1.74) suggests the basin is coarse. In addition, a low value of ruggedness number indicates the resistance of sub-basin to erosion.
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