Temporal status and change detection of stone quarrying and crushing activities using multi-temporal google earth images
Change detection, geographical information system (GIS), google earth images, mining activities, remote sensing, stone quarryingAbstract
Stone quarrying and crushing (SQC) activities under mining operations normally produce a destructive landscaping impression during the period from start to end. Spatio-temporal data, downloaded from Google Earth Pro s/w, coupled with remote sensing, GIS, and GPS has been used to evaluate time series (2003, 2008, 2015 and 2021) analysis of stone quarrying and crushing activities in a part of Jhansi Tehsil. Results shows that the variability and pressure on land resources due to stone quarry and crushing activities were found linear increments during the time. There was annual heavy exploitation record during 2003-2008 (30.83%) of stone from quarry sites and total increments of SQC activities were found 277.64% since last 18 years. This study exhibited the prospective advantage of annual monitoring over period and support to make the possible preparations/ management for destructive mining operations. This study exhibited the prospective advantage of annual monitoring over period and support to make the possible preparations/ management for destructive mining operations.
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