Estimation of Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Geoinformatics Techniques: A Case Study of Mulshi Reservoir Catchment, Pune District, Western Maharashtra.
Soil Erosion, RUSLE, Land Use and Land Cover, Geoinformatics, GIS, Reservoir Sedimentation, Western maharashtraAbstract
In the western part of Maharashtra, where the Western Ghat highlands are located, soil erosion is a serious and persistent environmental issue. To make matters worse, the majority of the dams in this region run the risk of sedimenting their reservoirs, which is a serious concern. This research was being conducted on the Mulshi reservoir catchment area, Pune district of western Maharashtra having area of 250.25 km2. It is fact that the surface runoff of seasonal rainfall is more in this region due to the presence of western ghats. In this study, high resolution satellite images were used to estimate average annual soil erosion based on the five factors defined in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) with the help of Geoinformatics techniques. Overlay of five parameters, viz., rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), slope length and steepness factor (LS), cover and management factor (C) and support & conservations practices factor (P) has been done in ArcGIS (version 10.8) software. Annual average soil erosion of the catchment is 0 to 433.43 tons/hector/year and has been classified into Six categories, defined as very high, high, moderate, low, and very low and negligible according to the severity of erosion. The high values of soil erosion (>20 tons/hector/year) found on the highlands due to the high slope and bare lands. however, low values (<10 tons/hector/year) are found on the area occupied by reservoir and dense vegetation.
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