Statistical approach towards watershed prioritization of Narmada River Basin
GIS, Watershed, Watershed Prioritisation,, PCA, Morphometric analysisAbstract
The Narmada River basin, one of the most significant river systems in India, plays a vital role in the socio-economic and ecological development of the region. Understanding the basin's morphometric characteristics is essential for sustainable water resource management and environmental planning. This research work aims to conduct a comprehensive morphometric analysis of the Narmada River basin using GIS, by studying the parameters of geomorphologic significance. These parameters reflect the true nature of the response which the topography offers to the hydrological flow. In this study quantification of basins’s characteristics is carried out, to provide valuable insights into its hydrological behavior, erosion susceptibility, potential for water resource utilization by prioritizing river basins using PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The PCA approach is applied keeping in mind the scale and volume of parameters and also to recognize their individual contribution towards the behavioral pattern and response.
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