Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation Suitability in Rajangaon Shenpunji and Surrounding Area, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
Ground Water Quality, Irrigation, Kelly’s ratio (KR), Permeability index (PI),, Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), AurangabadAbstract
The quality of irrigation water available to farmers has a significant impact on crop yield. Hence, it is need to better understand irrigation water quality. The present study mainly emphasizes the assessment of the suitability of 30 water samples from dug wells, bore wells and surface water bodies in Rajangaon Shenpunji and surrounding areas, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. The groundwater sample datasets of post-monsoon 2013 season were collected. The water quality parameters, viz. sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium (%Na), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), residual sodium bicarbonate (RSBC), Kelly’s ratio (KR), magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR), permeability index (PI) have been calculated. Based on these calculated parameter results, prepared spatial distribution maps in Arc GIS 10.3 software. These parameters were correlated with standard permissible/desirable limits for irrigation use for the prevailing crops. Based on these factors, most of the samples fall into the category of water suitable for irrigation. A few samples that exceeded permissible limits were discovered in various geological and anthropogenic activities near the water samples in the study area. A complete investigation of groundwater quality may be suitable remedial action. Artificial recharge techniques are developed to increase the chemical concentrations in groundwater or suitable crops are working to continue the present water quality.
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