Early Season Crop Acreage Estimation for Pigeon Pea using SAR Data: A Case Study of Kalaburagi District, Karnataka
Pigeon Pea, SAR data, Early Season Crop Acreage, Random Forest Classifier, Polarimetric AnalysisAbstract
Crop acreage estimates using space-based observations during mid-season and pre-harvest periods are operationally provided for major Kharif and Rabi crops in India. These are critical inputs for planning and decision-making concerning food security, storage, pricing, and procurement. This work explores the potential of Satellite C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in VV and VH polarization, acquired during monsoon season, for early crop acreage assessment of Pigeon Pea. The present study evaluates two classification approaches based on multi-temporal SAR data to generate a spatial distribution map of the pigeon pea crop in the Kalaburagi region of Karnataka. The temporal profiles of sigma nought (backscatter coefficient) and Entropy vs. Alpha Angle were studied with reference to crop phenology. Random forest algorithm has been used to classify multi-temporal SAR Ground Range Detected (GRD) data from June to November 2019. Temporal SAR data from June to early November with VV+VH polarization was optimal for tur area assessment with 85% accuracy. This study also examines phase and intensity information from 3-date SAR Single Look Complex (SLC) data with an unsupervised Wishart Classification approach for improved crop acreage estimation. The results emphasize the effectiveness of dual-polarimetric SAR data for timely crop inventory of Pigeon Pea during the Kharif season.
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