Selection of Optimum Enhancement Technique for the Discrimination of Alkali Granites and Syenites around Suryamalai Batholith of Central Tamil Nadu, India
Image processing, Landsat OLI, Alkali syenite, granite Suryamalai batholithAbstract
Image processing techniques such as Band Ratio, Principal Component Analysis, Supervised, Unsupervised classification and Reclassification techniques are generally used as an enhancement technique for alteration zone demarcation and lithological discrimination in geosciences environment. In the present study, Landsat OLI satellite imagery has been utilized to produce various combinations of image enhancement to discriminate alkali syenite and alkali granite of Proterozoic age. These techniques were also used to differentiate three phases of granites reported in Suryamalai Batholith which is very difficult to map by conventional method due to its rugged topographic nature. 12 types of enhancement techniques were applied to differentiate rock alkali syenite from granite, however only few methods such as Kaufmanns ratio, ratio of 5/7, 3/1 and 3/5 and supervised classification were found to be suitable for the discrimination of those rocky types. Band ratio 5/7, 3/1 and 3/5, Crosta analysis and thermal reclassification techniques significantly brought to light the difference between the metamorphic rocks such as fissile hornblende biotite gneiss and hornblende biotite gneiss of Archaean age. Similarly, phase I and phase III granites were perfectly discriminated from all the image enhancement techniques. It is differentiated mainly based on its grain size and mineral variation between these two rock types. Study revealed that standard digital image processing technique can be effectively used for lithological mapping.
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